Aug 19, 2018
The Main Thing
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Churches today have lots of moving parts. So many that it's easy to drown out the most important thing. No matter how many good things are going on, it's important to keep the main thing, the main thing. Paul communicated as of first importance the gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and so should we.
  • Aug 19, 2018The Main Thing
    Aug 19, 2018
    The Main Thing
    1 Corinthians 15:1-8
    Churches today have lots of moving parts. So many that it's easy to drown out the most important thing. No matter how many good things are going on, it's important to keep the main thing, the main thing. Paul communicated as of first importance the gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and so should we.
  • Aug 12, 2018Love Is Greater Than Gifts
    Aug 12, 2018
    Love Is Greater Than Gifts
    1 Corinthians 13:1-13
    There is a very Western way of thinking, where we value individuality and individual accomplishments over the function of the group or team. It is everywhere, from fashion, to investment advice/business success, to the self help marketing machine but this focus on self is killing the church. More than anything else, the prescription for God's people is LOVE. With love, the church triumphs over selfish and vain ambition, even when it is cloaked in religious pretense.
  • Aug 5, 2018A Strange Gift
    Aug 5, 2018
    A Strange Gift
    1 Corinthians 12:4-12
    The church is a body, made up of many parts. Christ is the head, while the Spirit organizes and directs the function of this body. But this truth is difficult to understand and live up to in the church, because it means we all have value and purpose in the body.
  • Jul 29, 2018A Vegetarian Faith
    Jul 29, 2018
    A Vegetarian Faith
  • Jul 22, 2018A No Strings Gospel
    Jul 22, 2018
    A No Strings Gospel
    1 Corinthians 9:13-18
    There is a very clear case in the Bible for evangelists receiving pay from the local church. Paul makes this point, but continues on to claim that the gospel is better served by him when he preaches without pay. It was true 2,000 years ago, and it is especially true today.
  • Jul 15, 2018Burning Hearts
    Jul 15, 2018
    Burning Hearts
    For more than 47 years Ronnie Morrison has served in ministry preaching for churches in the states of Washington, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. For the past 24 years, Ronnie and his, Rowena, have served as missionaries in Russia and Ukraine. Ronnie also taught biblical courses at Southern Christian University and at Ukrainian Bible Institute. He holds both the bachelor of art degree in theology and a master of Science degree from Ambridge University. He also holds a Certificate of Graduation in evangelistic training and advanced biblical studies from Preston Road School of Preaching. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Ronnie and Rowena served as missionaries in New Zealand. Ronnie has also written Kids on the Block, a book about his years growing up in Tulsa. Ronnie and Rowena currently live in Arkansas and have three married children — a daughter and two sons — and enjoy their nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
  • Jul 1, 2018Christians in Conflict
    Jul 1, 2018
    Christians in Conflict
    1 Corinthians 6:1-8
    Jesus spends a good amount of time explaining the right way to address conflict in the church.  Most of it gets ignored.  This is certainly the case for the church in Corinth.  In their case, and ours, failure to live at peace in the church is ultimately a failure to adopt and enjoy the values of the world yet to come.  A church filled with the work of the holy spirit, and peacemaking, is a slice of heaven.
  • Jun 24, 2018Pride: A Little Leaven
    Jun 24, 2018
    Pride: A Little Leaven
    1 Corinthians 5:1-8
    Believers have a sexual ethic, but as Paul begins to engage the church on this, he really has to address a bigger underlying issue: pride.  Pride, in it's essence, cannot acknowledge wrongdoing.  Pride even keeps us from seeing our own sin.
  • Jun 17, 2018Fatherhood
    Jun 17, 2018
    1 Corinthians 4:8-16
    Fatherhood is a complicated thing. It begins for most of us as terror. Then it moves to love, protection, devotion, and (hopefully) leading our children, but along with that comes anxiety, depression, and even rejection. This morning we will look at several of the ways Paul's relationship with Corinth parallels our own experience as fathers
  • Jun 10, 2018Know Thyself
    Jun 10, 2018
    Know Thyself
    1 Corinthians 2:10-13
    Ancient Greek philosophers spent a tremendous amount of self reflection. The axiom know thyself is ancient, and yet it still sways over philosophers as both a warning and a mission. Paul says that the reason Christians are a mystery to others is that they can never truly understand what motivates us - our life, our code of ethics, and even our reward. This is because we are not only moved by our own spirit, but by the spirit of God.
  • Jun 3, 2018Foolish God; Powerful Cross
    Jun 3, 2018
    Foolish God; Powerful Cross
    1 Corinthians 1:18-25
    The church at Corinth gives me hope, because it reminds me that the church has always been struggling to live up to the extraordinary truth of the gospel. Paul begins his book by reminding them that there is no wisdom greater than the foolishness of the cross. And only in the cross of Christ will we find our true value and purpose.
  • May 27, 2018All I Ever Wanted
    May 27, 2018
    All I Ever Wanted
    Psalm 126
    When getting married, or if you ever want to be, what do you hope for? I think we have an idea of happiness or a sense of deep contentment or joy. This feeling is often marred by reality and we might think that experiencing joy is a bridge too far. Can we get to that place? If we have wandered, can we find it again?
  • May 20, 2018Eclipse
    May 20, 2018
    Luke 9:18-27
  • May 20, 2018Reviving Dry Bones
    May 20, 2018
    Reviving Dry Bones
    Ezekiel 37:1-10
  • May 13, 2018Stay Tuned
    May 13, 2018
    Stay Tuned
    Hebrews 3:7-14
    Scripture teaches that the marriage relationship is of great significance. The ethics that direct husbands and wives reflect a high standard, as the Church submits to Christ…as Christ loves the Church. These statements must guide our relationships; sometimes new habits must be established.
  • May 6, 2018Marriage in the Key of We
    May 6, 2018
    Marriage in the Key of We
    Ephesians 5:21-33
    Over the next several weeks, the Sunday morning lessons will present a melody of marriage that is different from what society plays. Every time you follow a biblical pattern for your life, it works. When you don’t, things become chaotic. That is because most marriages are in the Key of Me. The Bible pattern shows something different. It shows a melody in the Key of We. Today’s lesson: “I am Third.”
  • Apr 29, 2018A Father of Discipline
    Apr 29, 2018
    A Father of Discipline
    Hebrews 12:5-11
    If you've been at home on Wednesdays, you've missed some great classes! Our parenting class has spent a good amount of time discussing how discipline is a much broader idea than just bad consequences. This morning we will explore this idea - that God uses adversity, to create in us, children of greater discipline and character. We’ll even have some suggestions about how to develop discipline inside your own children and your own life.
  • Apr 22, 2018Q&A: Why do the Baptists teach that you do not have to be baptized in order to be saved?
    Apr 22, 2018
    Q&A: Why do the Baptists teach that you do not have to be baptized in order to be saved?
    Acts 22:16
    Tonight we will take a look at some of the reasons why Baptists have historically taught this. Notice this is a moving target. While some churches of Christ are softening on their position on baptism, several community churches and Baptist churches are now teaching the essential role for baptism in salvation. Tonight we will hit on the major reasons why churches have objected, and contrast that with several key texts on baptism.
  • Apr 22, 2018A Fearful Family
    Apr 22, 2018
    A Fearful Family
    Deuteronomy 4:6-10
    Parenting with purpose is hard. We have lists, really life hacks, about how to be a good parent. We troubleshoot sleeping issues, bullying, body image, discipline, etc... and yet, most parenting material doesn't actually deal with the core issues that matter most. Parenting without a purpose (a goal) is honestly a pointless thing. Biblical parenting, at it's core, is not about discipline, sleep schedules, food sensitivities, or any other nonsense the bestseller's list will tell you. Biblical parenting begins and ends with instructing our children to honor and revere God.
Sunday - Bible Class: 9am, Worship: 10am
Wednesday - Bible Class: 7pm
1709 South 112th Street South
Tacoma, WA 98444