Mar 18, 2018
World Bible School
Brother Paul Renganathan is joining us from Chennai, India. Paul founded the World Bible School preacher training school there a little over 30 years ago, and the ministry has expanded to include medical care, job training, water wells and other outreach to the diverse populations of south Asia. Their students currently serve in many other countries, and have planted well over 1000 churches. We will be sharing an ice cream social after Brother Paul speaks to us this evening. Come listen, talk, and maybe imagine ways to outreach to our own community!
  • Mar 18, 2018World Bible School
    Mar 18, 2018
    World Bible School
    Brother Paul Renganathan is joining us from Chennai, India. Paul founded the World Bible School preacher training school there a little over 30 years ago, and the ministry has expanded to include medical care, job training, water wells and other outreach to the diverse populations of south Asia. Their students currently serve in many other countries, and have planted well over 1000 churches. We will be sharing an ice cream social after Brother Paul speaks to us this evening. Come listen, talk, and maybe imagine ways to outreach to our own community!
Sunday - Bible Class: 9am, Worship: 10am
Wednesday - Bible Class: 7pm
1709 South 112th Street South
Tacoma, WA 98444